ASSEMBLYAND DISMANTLING IN PPE: The attachment point must be located 1 m above the deck. Do not attach yourself to a frame or an isolated post. Ensure that all the frames are locked. Attachment point adapted to the fall arrest system: On the stirrup of the connection node. The connection nodes have been tested and approved by CEBTP in conditions stated by technical specifications issued by the SFECE and approved by specifiers (INRS, CRAMIF OPPBTP). Only these attachment points should be used on theTouréchaf. NO YES On the upper bar of the frame or a ledger connecting towers. YES R E G U L A T I O N S , S T A N D A R D S A N D R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S 72 Recommendations ... NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION > I NSPECTION OFTHE EQUIPMENT : Before starting assembling: - Check that the components are in good condition. - Do not use any components that are suspect (parts that are bent, squashed, loose, etc.). - For the towers, refuse any parts not sourced from Mills falsework. Mixing parts from different sources is prohibited. > F AVOUR FINAL COLLECTIVE PROTECTION : When designing the assembly and dismantling of formwork and false- work, collective protection must be prioritized. The assembly and dismantling procedures described in these tech- nical instructions must be complied with.When in certain circumstances, they cannot be fully or partially implemented, it is then imperative to design a new and appropriate assembly and dismantling procedure. Individual protection of workers provided using a fall arrest system should be considered as a last resort. Procedures that require the use of a fall arrest system must in particular take into account suitable attach- ment points, the air draught and the stability of the structure in order to retain the fall. > R ECOMMENDATIONS : When the falsework has been assem- bled, a formal acceptance report should be issued. > F ALSEWORK STRIKING : The support for the building structure should be removed by lowering the adjustable heads to avoid destabilising the towers.All the screw jacks should be unscrewed together to prevent the load being taken by jacks that have not yet been unscrewed. > F ORMWORK : The formwork calculation must take into account the effects of continuity. The continuity of a beam on three supports for instance distributes the loads on the supports differently from standard geometric distribution. > S TABILITY DURING THE ASSEMBLY PHASES : The stability of the falsework must be checked while it is being assembled and dismantled, or in between, when the towers are exposed to the wind pressure and there is no concrete to act as a ballast. Our stability rules also make it possible to prevent the risk of overall buckling of the falsework structure. > H ORIZONTAL FORCES : The propped components must not transmit horizontal forces over the falsework. Constructive measures will have to be implemented in order to take up these forces. > L OAD DISTRIBUTION ON GROUND OR FOUNDATION : Bearing on concrete slab: Generally, a tower does not require any particular preparation when it bears on a concrete slab. If the surface is uneven, wooden planks should be used between the base and the concrete. It may be necessary to provide falsework under the lower floors if they are unable to take the ground loads. Bearing on natural ground: On natural ground, the load must be distributed appropriately, depending on the nature of the ground and the load.
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