T he transposition of European directives via the decree of 1 September 2004 did not result in an abrogation of Article 218 relating to falsework towers of the decree of 8 January 1965. For the time being, therefore, there are no explicit requirements for training, justification by calculation notes and inspecting falsework as set out in the decree of 1 September 2004 and the order of December 2004 for scaffolding.The decree of 8 January 1965 still applies for falsework. D ECREE OF 8 J ANUARY 1965 The design of falsework over 6 metres in height must be justified by a design brief and the falsework must be constructed in accordance with an assembly drawing, except in emergencies or if it is not possible to comply with the drawing. The design brief and assembly drawing must be kept on the worksite (article 218). F ALSEWORK TOWER STANDARD NFP 93-551: European standard NF EN 12813 replaced standard NF P93-550 of December 1987 but does not provide for an assessment of falsework towers. That is why a new French standard NF P93-551 was made official in May 2016 and is mentioned by the amendment A1 in March 2021. It unites in the same document: - A method for calculating and testing that makes it possible to define the permissible load per foot. It includes the load criteria in a simplified manner of the European standard. - The functional requirements in order to ensure safety of the erectors and of the users by breaking down CRAMIF Technical Notice 24. The load criteria: The text specifies the bearing capacity of a steel or aluminium tower with a height from 0 to 6.00 m, with the screw jacks extended to the maxi- mum, held at the top and with a wind pressure of 20 kg/m 2 . The safety criteria: The assembly operations must be able to be performed in collective protection. The triple classification specifies the level of safety of the tower by analysing the effectiveness of the access at the top of the tower, guardrails and lifting devices. The best classes are: - Access class A1: complete deck every 2.00 m with trapdoor and built-in access ladder. The spacing between bars must be comprised between 22.5 and 30cm. It is measured between the upper edges of the bars of the ladder. - Side protection class RL1: The frames oppose one another in the passage of a 47 cm sphere diameter. - Handling class with crane G1: lifting rings and built-in locking components. Touréchaf is compliant with the highest classes: A1 - RL1 - G1. NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION R E G U L A T I O N S , S T A N D A R D S A N D R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S Falsework regulations and standards... 70
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