
> 3 - Assemble the ledgers then lock the assembly. > 4 - Repeat the operation until the desired height is reached. 54 NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION T O U R É C H A F : F A L S E W O R K T O W E R W I T H I N T E G R A L S A F E T Y S Y S T E M The diagonal brace at the bottom is assembled inside the Pylon for easier assembly and in order to be able to stack the Pylons. Assembling and dismantling... > 1 - Install wedges to facilitate the locking of the standards.Assemble the standards on the footplate. > 2 - Fit diagonal braces, starting with the side against the ground. > 5 - Fit the headplate in the standards and lock the 4 legs via rotation  .  TIP REQUIREMENTS: > It is important to position the diagonal braces as assembly takes place in order to ensure that the assembly is square. Horizontal assembly: