
10.75 d 1 d 2 d 2 d 2 2.00 2.00 d 1 0+0 0+1 0.35 - 1+0 1+1 2+0 2+1 0.70 1.00 3+0 3+1 4+0 4+1 5+0 5+1 6+0 1.00 2.00 6+1 7+0 7+1 8+0 8+1 9+0 1.50 4.00 9+1 10+0 Type Min.width of Min.height of of the stabiliser the stabiliser Pylon L (m) h (m) > Stabilisation during assembly and dismantling: Stabilisation assumptions: -Winds 65 km/h. - 1% slope. - 15 kg horizontal force at the head. SingleTouréchaf pylon: A single Pylon can be anchored to a Wall or maintained with stabilisers. Block of Touréchaf Pylons: The Touréchaf Pylon can be stabilised using wind bracing with the neighbouring pylons. Type Min. width of the of wind bracing Pylon L (m) 0+0 0+1 0.35 1+0 1+1 2+0 0.70 2+1 3+0 3+1 4+0 1.00 4+1 5+0 5+1 6+0 1.50 6+1 7+0 7+1 8+0 8+1 9+0 2.00 9+1 10+0 d 2 L d 1 Pylon height < 4+0 Pylon height H h Ledger Beyond 11m75 high, contact our design offices. L h L L Example : This block of 4 Pylons in 9+0 forms a tower 10m75 high. The width L of the wind bracing is 2m00, the stability condition is complied with. Make sure that the lateral retainers are as close as possible to the nodes. Max. (d1, d2) < 2.00m : So the permissible load retained is that of a pylon with a body 2m00 high, or 26.5 tonnes. When beginning assembly, temporarily stabilise each isolated pylon with wind bracing in the lower portion. Diagonal brace L > Reinforcement of the load-bearing capacity of the Pylons: The reinforcing is done by multiplying the lateral retainers (fixed support, anchoring or wind bracing) over the height in both horizontal directions. d 1 : free distance at the head and at the foot. d 2 : distance between 2 retainers. The permissible load of the Pylon is then equivalent to that of an isolated pylon of which the height of the body H is equal to the largest distance "d 1 " and "d 2 ". Take into account the structure's self-weight above 10 m. d 2 d 2 d 1 d 2 d 1 d 2 d 2 d 1 52 NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION T O U R É C H A F : F A L S E W O R K T O W E R W I T H I N T E G R A L S A F E T Y S Y S T E M Specifications and load capacity...