
Access deck Weight: 14.8 kg Ledger Weight: 4.6 kg Height from 7 to 67 cm 100 m Height from 30 to 79 cm 1.50 m (or 1.00 m) 1.50 m (or 1.00 m) Frame Weight: 12.4 kg Access frame Weight: 11.5 kg Base jack Weight: 9.2 kg No telescopic poles and no loose parts, the system is self-locking and can be moved by crane. The Touréchaf complies with France Health Insurance Agency Technical Note no. 24 recommendations. 2-way adjustable head Weight: 9.0 kg T O U R É C H A F : F A L S E W O R K T O W E R W I T H I N T E G R A L S A F E T Y S Y S T E M 5 NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION “ Tower ”: provides a high level of collective protection TOURÉCHAF