5T & 2.5T Wall Brackets ... 42 NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION T O U R É C H A F : F A L S E W O R K T O W E R W I T H I N T E G R A L S A F E T Y S Y S T E M T he 5T wall bracket and the 2.5T wall bracket are wall brackets that make it possible to withstand heavy duty loads, when it is not possible to install a falsework tower. 5T wall bracket: 2.5T wall bracket: > Compatible with the MILLS system: They are compatible with all the adjustable heads of the Touréchaf. > Easy to implement and remove: Light, with the respective weights of 15 and 6 kg, they reduce the risk of MSK conditions. The anchoring wall plugs remain accessible, even with the screw jack in place, which facilitates bracket removal. Installing a beam parallel to the wall gives tolerance in their installation. The geometry of the 2.5T Bracket allows for easy handling. Max. resulting reactions not weighted per pin: - Shearing: 2,765 daN - Traction: 2,260 daN Loaded at full capacity: - If the 5T Bracket is loaded at 50 kN max. SLS. - If the 2.5T Bracket is loaded at 25 kN max. SLS. Hilti HSL4-G M16 d24x230 stud bolt built for heavy loads: T C WLL SLS: 50 kN > 5TWALL BRACKET Description Code Weight 5T wall bracket 080460-9 15 82.5 340 th. 15 88 415 th. 10 96 90 268 175 219 170 208 Oblong holes Ø26x36 Ø22 T C T C WLL SLS: 25 kN > 2.5TWALL BRACKET Description Code Weight 2.5T wall bracket 080462-5 6.4 REQUIREMENTS: Add a washer to the fastener. Example for anchors on a C20/25 class non-cracked concrete with a thickness of 30 cm.Without edging effects. Installation depth 15 cm. Alternative for a reduced load: - If the 5T Bracket is loaded at 32 kN max. SLS * . - If the 2.5T Bracket is loaded at 19 kN max. SLS * . Hilti HUS4 H M14 x130 concrete screw: REQUIREMENTS: Add a washer to the fastener. Example for anchors on a C20/25 class non-cracked concrete with a thickness of 20 cm.Without edge effects. Installation depth 11.5 cm WARNING: In any case, it is imperative to refer to the latest recommendations from the supplier of the fasteners. * Load limited by the concrete class Max. resulting reactions not weighted per pin: - Shearing: 2,500 daN - Traction: 1,500 daN > Examples of fasteners: When the fork head is low, the fastener remains accessible with a classic drill bit extension of 200mm min. The fork can also be freed first by using it as lever to turn the wall bracket.
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