
30 NT008 - TOURÉCHAF TECHNICAL INFORMATION T O U R É C H A F : F A L S E W O R K T O W E R W I T H I N T E G R A L S A F E T Y S Y S T E M Compatibility with scaffolding... > Cantilevers in a basin and decking at the top of the towers: The Touréchaf falsework has a traffic decking on the 1m00 cantilever so that workers install the girder in collective protection. The guardrail is made of Touréchaf frames. Site fence Touréchaf Beam Double diagonal braces MDS guardrail > Reinforced 1.50m cantilevers by double diagonal braces and decking for the installation of the formwork: Examples of special cases: Touréchaf Mills Pano Mills Phal Mills Pano gusset > Falsework of an access viaduct with Mills Pano: The compatibility with the scaffolding offers many working platform combinations in safety...