Escalib Mills_GB
Suspended Escalib Mills in a 24.50 m-deep well for the construction of the Porte Maillot station on the RER Eole Gambetta line of Grand Paris. Mid-height brackets are used as intermediate supports for this Escalib Mills of more than 8 modules. 27 Escalib Mills Mills Scaffolding platform The Escalib Mills is hung on a cantilevered framework equipped with a scaffolding working platform. Positioning a scaffolding platform on cantilevered profiles secures access to the different sides of the Escalib and sometimes to the lift. TIP ESCALIB MILLS NT 010 - ESCALIB MILLS TECHNICAL INFORMATION E S C A L I B M I L L S : S I T E S P I R A L S T A I R T O W E R W I T H S I D E E X I T .
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