Escalib Mills_GB
15 E S C A L I B M I L L S : S I T E S P I R A L S T A I R T O W E R W I T H S I D E E X I T . >Tools for assembling the modules: >WRENCH (OPTIONAL) Description Code Weight Combination wrench 13 mm 013013-8 0.07 Combination wrench 18 mm 013018-7 0.16 Ed wrench 22/24 mm (2x) 013024-5 0.28 Escalib Mills 36 mm wrench 013036-9 0.46 36 (1x) 22/24 (2x) 13 (1x) 18 (1x) > RAIL ASSEMBLY ON BOLT SIDE Description Code Weight Complete M16 bolt NC0406 0.14 > BOLTS Description Code Weight Bolt TRCC 8x25 NC0437 0.025 Bolt TRCC 12x35 NC0438 0.073 > MODULE ASSEMBLY Description Code Weight HM24-35-8.8 hex head screw + washer NC0400 0.27 Pin > TOP RAILASSEMBLY ON LOCKING SIDE Description Code Weight Complete M14 bolt NC0405 0.09 > Module parts: > ERECTION GUARDRAIL RETAINING CABLE Description Code Weight Retaining cable NC0439 0.011 + washer > STEP Description Code Weight ❶ Top step side A-B-C-D NC0441 9.4 ❷ Centre step sideA-B-C-D NC0442 4.6 ❸ Bottom step side A-B-C NC0443 5.7 ❹ Bottom step side D NC0444 5.6 > STAIR STRING Description Code Weight ❶ Stair string side A NC0445 15.8 ❷ Stair string side B and C NC0446 16 ❸ Stair string side D NC0447 15.9 > STANDARD Description Code Weight ❶ Standard side D-A NC0448 25.1 ❷ Standard side A-B NC0449 26.5 ❸ Standard side B-C NC0450 25.6 ❹ Standard side C-D NC0451 26.5 ❺ Centre standard NC0452 38.0 > RAIL Description Code Weight ❶ Straight rail 013502-0 3.3 ❷ Curved rail 013503-8 3.4 ❸ Rail with captive nut plate sideA 013504-6 3.4 ❹ Flattened straight rail sideA MDS 013510-3 3.3 ❺ Flattened curved rail sideA MDS 013511-1 3.6 ❻ Locking guardrail side B MDS 013512-9 7.5 ❼ Short straight rail side B MDS 013517-8 3.4 ❽ Swivel rail side C MDS 013514-5 4.1 ❾ Locking rail side C MDS 013515-2 3.4 ❿ Erection guardrail MDS 013516-0 1.8 ❶ (3x) ❷ (2x) ❸ (1x) ❼ (1x) ❻ (1x) ❺ (1x) ❹ (1x) ❶ (1x) ❷ (1x) ❸ (1x) ❹ (1x) ❺ (1x) ❾ (1x) ❿ (1x) ❽ (1x) > REINFORCEMENT BAR Description Code Weight Reinforcement bar side D NC0440 16.2 ❶ (1x) ❷ (2x) ❸ (1x) ❹ (1x) ❸ (3x) ❷ (3x) ❶ (4x) (4x) (17x) (12x) (72x) (25x) (1x) (1x) ESCALIB MILLS NT 010 - ESCALIB MILLS TECHNICAL INFORMATION
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