Escalib Mills_GB
10 E S C A L I B M I L L S : S I T E S P I R A L S T A I R T O W E R W I T H S I D E E X I T . Specifications and load capacity ... T o make it easier to design the anchorage points and ground bearing for the Escalib Mills,the ground load calculations and the forces at the anchorage points are given, for the various configurations. If “d” is greater than 20 cm, wind bracing may be required to reinforce the anchor system. Configuration 2 requires special calculations. For a given direction, forces in both directions must be taken into account. The anchoring through-bolts must be sized to take up pull-out and shearing forces consistent with the nature of the bearing material. Between 8 and 15 modules, contact our design offices. >Arrangement of the anchors: Configuration 1: d ≤ 20 cm Configuration 2: 20 cm < d < 2.00 m Anchor Anchor Anchor V T V T Anchor d d > Stresses on the anchor points in configuration 1: The values are for the ultimate limit state, ULS. Wind speeds are not weighted. To calculate values for the serviceability limit state, SLS: 1.5 x ULS Base module 8 module 7 module 6 module 5 module 4 module 3 module 2 module 1 1 module Self- supporting in winds up to 120 km/h 2 modules Self- supporting in winds up to 86 km/h 3 modules Self- supporting in winds up to 70 km/h 4 modules 5 modules 6 modules 7 modules 8 modules Anchor points required every 3 modules for a wind speed less than 145km/h (for higher speeds, anchor every 2 modules). Anchorage height If the anchors used cannot withstand the load calculated, increase the number of anchor points. TIP Vp : 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 km/h q p : 38 47 57 68 80 93 106 121 137 153 171 daN/m² (V) (daN) 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Vp : 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 km/h (T) (daN) 550 450 350 250 150 50 q p : 38 47 57 68 80 93 106 121 137 153 171 daN/m² Shearing stresses (V) : Anchor Escalib point density height Every Every 3 modules 2 modules 7-8 modules 5-6 modules 3-4 modules 1-2 modules Uplift forces (T) : Ground loads P+Q (daN) Number of modules 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Max. load. per foot 673 1150 1244 1339 1434 1529 1624 1719 Total load 1379 2355 2999 3379 3759 4139 4519 4899 > Ground loads: Assumptions: I -Wind action as in NF EN 1991-1-4: - f = 0.23 and Cf = 2.58 -Vp:Wind speed (km/h). - q p : Peak wind dynamic pressure (daN/m²). 2 -Working load Q: - Standards NF P93-521 and NF EN 12811. - Up to 8 persons per Escalib Mills module. - Up to a maximum of 20 persons for the complete Escalib Mills modules. - Stair tower not to be used in winds of over 65 km/h. 3 -WeightW of the Escalib Mills tower. Multiply the forcesT andV by 1.4 in order to account for a net = 20% on the Escalib. WARNING: When the Escalib is no longer self-supporting, a stabilizing device is required. NT 010 - ESCALIB MILLS TECHNICAL INFORMATION
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